St. Mark’s Newsletters

Below you will find our most recent monthly Newsletters, know as ReMARKS.

November ReMARKS, 2022









October ReMARKS, 2022

September ReMARKS, 2022









February Remarks, 2022

January, Remarks, 2022

August Remarks, 2021

July Remarks, 2021

Interested in what is being published at St. Mark’s? Check out these articles written by a variety of individuals within our congregation, including St. Mark’s Clergy.

It’s all broken and that is a good thing….
Yesterday I took down a favorite pottery goblet, stored away for years because of a great crack at the rim, and I painted that crack gold. The pieces that broke off are long gone so there was just this gap to “fix or feature,” as my former pottery teacher used to say. The gold now reimagines that cracked space as a celebrated characteristic of the goblet.
Click to read the full article
Written by Pastor Linda

Your Generosity at Work!
Remember the days before Covid? If I think hard I can. Well, before Covid, and before I (Pastor Matt) ever got here, this congregation decided to welcome members, ministry partners, and visitors by investing in our historic building. You wanted this to be a space used for the ministry of God’s kingdom and for the glory of God for decades to come. And you didn’t just hope for this, you stepped up and made it happen with the Rooted in Faith campaign! In 2020 offices were added, two sets of restrooms were renovated, HVAC was installed in the Christian Education wing, and two classrooms were created to house a child development center. These investments are already bearing fruit!
Click to read the full article
Written by Pastor Matt