Children & Youth

Families & Children

Children's Faith Formation

Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45

Faith formation is a lifelong process of learning, growing, and practicing the faith that God has given to us. We nurture our faith by participating in Christian education classes, Vacation Bible School, and inter-generational events. St. Mark’s strives to equip parents to be the primary teachers of the faith at home, supporting families in lives of discipleship.

During our Faith Formation hour, St. Mark’s has classes for children and youth or all ages. Children learn who God is, what God has done for us, and how to daily live out their faith.
Classes are taught by teachers who love to help children grow and find exciting ways to make God’s word come alive. Each summer, children from St. Mark’s and the community are invited to Vacation Bible School. Children have fun growing in faith through games, crafts, bible stories, and music led by youth and adult leaders.

Nursery Room and Children’s Worship Resources

St. Mark’s has a Nursery Room just off of the Sanctuary available for you and your infants and/or toddlers. The Nursery is not staffed but is available for your use during worship and the Faith Formation hour. There is a speaker in the room so that children and adults can still hear the service.

Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in worship. Coloring and Activity bags are available in the Commons for children to use during worship. Children’s Bulletins, with activities related to the scripture readings, are available each Sunday from the ushers.

Intergenerational Events

Four times a year, children, youth, and adults at St. Mark’s gather together during the Faith Formation hour to learn and grow together. Intergenerational Events help us to grow stronger as a community of faith and also equip families with ideas and tools to continue learning at home.


At St. Mark’s, we welcome all the baptized to Christ’s meal at communion -- which includes children! Each year we provide Communion instruction for children so that, as they grow, they learn more about the sacrament.


Confirmation is a time for youth to grow in understanding of their identity as a child of God, and prepare to affirm their baptismal promises. Youth have the opportunity to attend weekend FaithAlive retreats and a week-long summer camp at Camp Lutheridge. Confirmation involves idweek classes where youth, along with adult mentors, delve deeper into the bible, Lutheran faith, and discipleship.

Middle & High School Youth

Youth Group

St. Mark’s Middle and High School students have opportunities to grow in their relationship with God and one another. The Youth Group regularly gathers for different activities, both at St. Mark’s and in the community, such as:

  • Stream Clean-up
  • Mini Golf
  • Visiting Local churches to experience their worship service
  • Youth Show
  • Serving dinner at a homeless shelter
  • Christmas Party


Youth are also encouraged to be active participants in the life of the church, helping to lead worship, serve on ministry teams, and support the mission of St. Mark’s.